The Following Books are Included In This Complete Package:




Vaccine Free - Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Contagious Diseases with Homeopathy
A Manual for Practitioners and Consumers
By Kate Birch
411 Pages  |  Paperback 





What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations 
By Stephanie Cave, M.D., F.A.A.F.P.
With Deborah Mitchell
336 Pages  |  Paperback 




Vaccinations: A Thoughtful Parent's Guide
By Aviva Jill Romm, Midwife and Herbalist
294 Pages  |  Paperback 





3 Books  |  $69.95








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3 Books | $69.95

Did you know that childhood vaccinations are controversial, and have been correlated with adverse reactions ranging from autism and ADHD to more serious afflictions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes and Schizophrenia? Are you aware that having Lyme Disease, or other types of health problems, dramatically increases the chances of these adverse reactions? 

There is a growing segment of medical professionals investigating and writing about vaccinations and their effects on our children. This resource package includes 3 of the most influential and informative books currently in print. On the pages of these books, you can expect to find answers to questions about vaccinations, alternative preventative solutions, and a broad range of perspectives from experienced health care providers, parents, and researchers.


3 Books Are Included in the Package:


Vaccine Free - Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Contagious Diseases with Homeopathy
A Manual for Practitioners and Consumers
By Kate Birch
411 Pages | Paperback 

Book Description
Vaccine Free: Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Contagious Diseases with Homeopathy - A Manual for Practitioners and Consumers, by Kate Birch RSHom(NA), CCH, CMT, provides an introduction to homeopathic philosophy, discusses the side-effects of vaccines, and succinctly outlines the homeopathic prevention and treatment of childhood illnesses, tropical diseases, and sexually transmitted diseases.
The philosophy and practical applications of homeopathy described in this book offer the world an alternative or conjunctive path to the use of vaccination for the treatment and prevention of infectious contagious diseases. Moreover, this book is full of useful information and advocating for the effective treatment of infectious contagious disease with homeopathy. 

Considering the state of affairs in world health, where more than half of the world lives in poverty, without clean water, and adequate food supplies, the annihilation of infectious contagious disease with any healing modality is very difficult. Homeopathy offers an inexpensive and effective treatment plan which can more radically improve the status of health on this planet for its human inhabitants than any other system of medicine has so far.

Not only is the information in this book useful for the treatment of infectious contagious diseases, it also lays a foundation for deeper study into chronic disease. The philosophical chapters introduce the basic tenets of homeopathy, with an overview of the immune system, and discussion of vaccine injury in the immune system in the light of homeopathic philosophy. The clinical chapters cover:

  • Childhood eruptive diseases such as chickenpox, measles, and scarlet fever
  • Diseases that have a historical significance and/or raise concerns due to biological warfare, including smallpox, anthrax, and plague
  • Haemophilus influenza, otitis media, influenza, mononucleosis, and pneumonia
  • Sexually transmitted diseases, including herpes, genital warts, gonorrhea, syphilis, AIDS and hepatitis, accompanied by an in depth look at the expression of human psychology associated with these diseases
  • Five of the most common tropical diseases - yellow fever, typhoid, dengue fever, cholera and malaria, with sufficient information for prevention and treatment
  • Homeopathic prevention and treatment for rabies, tetanus, diphtheria, mumps, and tuberculosis.

About the Author
Kate Birch is a mother of two children, a homeopath, and a massage therapist. She came to homeopathy when she was a young mother for the treatment of depression, weight loss, and weakness. She witnessed her son suffering from asthma after vaccinations and subsequently opted not to vaccinate her daughter. After successful treatment with homeopathy for herself and her son, she went to school to become a homeopath. Kate has been in homeopathic family practice since 1994. She has over 300 hours of teaching homeopathy in the classroom and lecture settings. From 2005 - 2008 she served as the Vice President of the North American Society of Homeopaths.


What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations 
By Stephanie Cave, M.D., F.A.A.F.P.
With Deborah Mitchell
336 Pages | Paperback 

Book Description
In this book, Dr. Stephanie Cave explains vaccinations - the pros and the cons. With detailed facts about each vaccination, as well as regulations and laws, this book provides easily understandable information to help parents make a knowledgeable, responsible choice about vaccinating their children. 

About the Author
Stephanie Cave, M.D., is a family practitioner in Baton Rouge who specializes in children with autism and related disorders. She has been featured on CNN regarding children and vaccinations and testified in congressional hearings in July 2000. 


Vaccinations: A Thoughtful Parent's Guide
Aviva Jill Romm, Midwife and Herbalist
294 Pages | Paperback 

Book Description
This is a balanced, comprehensive guide to routine childhood vaccinations that offers parents the information they need to make the right choices for their child. It fairly examines the pros and cons of this highly charged issue. 

Deciding whether or when to vaccinate a child is one of the most important--and most difficult--health-care decisions a parent will ever make. The recent increase in the number of vaccinations recommended and the concurrent controversies about whether vaccinations are safe or even effective have left many parents confused and concerned. 

Midwife, herbalist, and mother of four, Aviva Jill Romm sifts through the spate of current research on vaccine safety and efficacy and offers a sensible, balanced discussion of the pros and cons of each routine childhood vaccination. She presents the full spectrum of options available to parents: full vaccination on a standardized or individualized schedule, selective vaccination, or no vaccinations at all. Negotiating daycare and school requirements, dealing with other parents, and traveling with an unvaccinated child are covered in detail. The book also suggests ways to strengthen children's immune systems and maintain optimal health and offers herbal and homeopathic remedies for childhood ailments. Emphasizing that no single approach is appropriate for every child, the author guides parents as they make the choices that are right for their child. 

About the Author
Aviva Jill Romm is a certified professional midwife, practicing herbalist, and the former president of the American Herbalists Guild. She is the author of The Natural Pregnancy Book, The Pocket Guide to Midwifery Care, and Naturally Healthy Babies and Children as well as coauthor of ADHD Alternatives. She lives with her family in Georgia.

Praise for the Book

"Aviva Jill Romm brings a high level of intelligence and insight to the debate on public policies regarding vaccination. Level-headed and thoroughly researched, yet eminently readable, her book leaves no stones unturned and refuses to shy away from challenging the status quo. It should be read by every parent who is considering vaccination for their child; and I daresay that it should also be mandatory reading for every health professional in the position of recommending (or discouraging) the use of vaccines." 
-- Robert Rountree, M.D., coauthor of Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child 

"Aviva Romm has written a book of aid and comfort for agonized parents who must make intelligent life decisions for their kids while lacking reliable information about how vaccines act." 
-- Richard Moskowitz, M.D. 

"The best book I've seen on the subject. Its commonsense, nonhysterical approach assures legitimate informed consent." 
-- Peggy O'Mara, publisher of Mothering magazine